Christmas church services
Saturday 9th December 2017

Giotto Legend of St Francis 13 Institution of the Crib at Greccio
St John’s, Church Grove, Hampton Wick KT1 4AL; tel: 020 8977 7733; Website
10 Dec: 6pm Alternative Carol Service
13 Dec: 7:30pm Christmas Concert
17 Dec: 10:30am Children’s Carol Service: Christingles
17 Dec: 6pm Candlelit Carol Service
24 Dec: 10:30am Christmas Eve Service
24 Dec: 4pm-5pm: Crib Service; 11:30pm Midnight Communion.
24 Dec: 11:30pm Midnight Communion.
25 Dec: 10:30am Christmas Day Family Celebration
St Mark’s, St Mark’s Road, Teddington TW11 9DE; tel: 020 8977 4067. Website
21 Dec: 6:30pm Candlelit Carol Service
24 Dec: 8:30am BCP Holy Communion
24 Dec: 10am Informal Family Service – Looking Forward to Christmas
24 Dec: 5pm Crib Service
24 Dec: 11:30pm Midnight Mass.
25 Dec: 10am Family Communion Service
Hampton Wick Baptist Church
11A Upper Teddington Road, Kingston Upon Thames KT1 4DL. 020 8977 1279 Website. Email
9th December 12:30pm Good Companions Christmas Lunch
15th December 3:30-5pm Christmas Messy Church
24th December 10:45am Sunday Morning Service
24th December 7pm Carols by Candlelight
25th December 10am Christmas Day Service
Sacred Heart Church
262 Kingston Road, Teddington TW11 9JQ; tel: 020 8977 2986; Website
16 Dec. 6:30pm Vigil Mass of 4th Sunday of Advent
17 Dec. 9:30am & 11:15am Mass
17 Dec. 5pm “Turn to Me” Service of Reconciliation
24 Dec. 9:30am Mass
24 Dec. 6pm Christmas Mass for children & families
24 Dec. 10:30pm Service of Readings and Carols
24 Dec. 11pm Mass
25 Dec. 10am Mass