How to get a GP appointment if you live in Hampton Wick
Sunday 10th December 2017

The Hampton Wick Association has encountered a lot of confusion locally in what GP services are available locally. We’ve done some research and we are also indebted to Healthwatch Richmond* for their help in compiling this HWA guide to local GP and similar services. The information has also been cross-checked with Richmond Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG).
We’ve heard many reports of having to wait two or three weeks for a GP appointment, so what do you do if you need to see someone more urgently?
Generally, surgeries offer ‘emergency’ appointments. However, there is no consistent way that different surgeries provide these; some Practices will suggest you call them first thing in the morning, others will advise that you come to the Practice and wait until a doctor is available. Therefore, it’s best to call your own Practice and ask if you can have an emergency appointment and how to get one.
However, for many health problems, we don’t want to take up one of these precious emergency appointments although we really could do with being seen within a day or so. Fortunately, there are several alternatives, short of pitching up at A&E:
GP Hubs – Tel: via registered GP (Hampton Wick Surgery: 020 8977 2638)
There are currently two GP Hubs in the borough, one of which is located at Teddington Memorial Hospital (TMH). The Hubs offer GP appointments for people who would otherwise have to wait for an appointment at their own surgery. They have extended opening hours. The GP Hub at TMH is open from 8am to 8pm on weekdays, all day on Saturdays and half day on Sundays.
The doctors at the GP Hub should have access to your medical records. The only difference between going here and turning up at your regular surgery is that you are unlikely to see the same doctor. However, if you don’t see a GP very often this is unlikely to be a problem.
Appointments at GP Hubs are booked through your regular GP surgery.
Walk-in Centre – Tel: 020 8714 4004
There is also a walk-in centre at TMH. No appointment is necessary and one way to look at this as a step below a visit to full A&E. The Walk-in Centre is staffed by experienced nurses who can offer advice and treatment for adults and children with minor injuries and illnesses such as cuts and bruises, strains, sprains, possible fractures, urinary tract infections (UTIs), earache and sore throats, headaches and rashes.
The current opening hours are: Monday to Friday: 8am – 10pm; Weekends and bank holidays: 8am to 9pm
Out of Hours GP – Tel: 03000 24000
If you are registered with a GP surgery in Richmond Borough you can call when your surgery is closed. Your details will be taken, and a GP will phone you back and will decide the best plan of action which may be to go to A&E or to Teddington Memorial Hospital or to have a home visit or simply to wait until your GP surgery reopens.
The Out of Hours service operates through the night (6.30pm to 8am) every night, plus all day on weekends and bank holidays. It has a website at
*Healthwatch Richmond is an independent, local NHS and social care watchdog.
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