Old Hampton Wick by M.M.Pain
Wednesday 13th December 2017

Not long after John Previte shared the Old Hampton Wick poem with us he has now discovered an old paper on Hampton Wick by M.M.Pain, wife of our late former Chair. Much of the information is already known but it is apt that it sees the light of day on this, its 50th anniversary year. Many of the rather fine sketches are by Colin Pain.
In a tragi-comedy twist of events the manuscript almost went missing when John put it in an envelope for posting to our current Chair, Mark Merrington, only for it to be accidentally posted with no stamp and an incomplete address. Fortunately the Post Office came to the rescue and delivered it safely.
Click here to see a photo gallery of the paper.
Download a PDF: M.M.Pain paper – Hampton Wick (~8MB).