What has the HWA ever done for me?
Wednesday 18th April 2018

Click here for further reading – What does the HWA do to help local businesses.
An old TV script has come to light. We’re proud to publish it here for the very first time…
Man in pub: So, the Hampton Wick Association was founded in 1962, each year we pay our £5 subs and what have they ever given us in return?
Commuter1: Chestnut Sunday?
Man in pub: What?
Teacher: Chestnut Sunday.
Man in pub: Oh. Yeah, Yeah, they did get that going again, that’s true, yeah
Commuter2: And the Christmas Carols
Schoolchild: Oh, yeah, the Christmas Carols, remember what it used to be like when there was no Christmas?
Man in pub: Yeah, alright I’ll grant you Chestnut Sunday and the Christmas Carols are two things that the HWA has done
Hairdresser: They let us know what’s going on in The Wick with their village noticeboards, Tweets, email news, HWA newsletter, four websites…
Man in pub: Well yeah. Obviously they tell us what’s going on, that goes without saying doesn’t it? But apart from the Christmas Carols and Chestnut Sunday and telling us what’s going on…
Commuter3: They make sure that Remembrance Sunday goes without a hitch
Commuter2: They keep a watching eye on planning applications
Skateboarder: They organised the Hampton Wick Festival and Grand Parade and help organise the Hampton Wick Big Picnic
Man in pub: Yeah yeah, alright. Fair enough
Shopper: Richmond in Bloom, all the lovely hanging baskets and public garden displays…
Commuters: Yes, yes, yes
Commuter2: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something we’d all miss if the HWA wasn’t around, huh? They got us the Christmas tree too
Cyclist And the HWA Fish & Chips Quiz Night
Hairdresser: And the Library, …
Commuter3: Yeah, they’ve certainly picked the Library up by its bootstraps, those lovely flower beds, the exhibitions and the talks and better signs telling us all where it is—they’re the only ones who could have done that
Commuters: Heh heh heh
Commuter1: Didn’t they also save St John’s Church from closure by lobbying the Church Commissioners?
Motorist: And they keep a watchful eye on parking – only recently they saved seven parking spaces from double yellow lines in one road alone
Man in pub: All right, but apart from Chestnut Sunday, the Christmas carols, telling us what’s going on in the village, keeping an eye on planning matters, the Hampton Wick Festival and Grand Parade, The Big Picnic, Richmond in Bloom, The HWA Fish & Chips Quiz Night, The Friends of Hampton Wick Library, saving St John’s, looking after our parking interests, what has the HWA ever done for us?
Old man: They saved the village from a huge Kingston flyover that would have destroyed half the village
Man in pub: Oh. Saved the village? Shut up!
With thanks and apologies to Monty Python