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Richmond in Bloom - Community Grant Applications

Wednesday 19th February 2020

Richmond in Bloom - Community Grant Applications

Following 30 years of hard work by Patricia Schooling and the committee, it is with sadness that Richmond Borough in Bloom (RBIB) has announced that it has, in its current format, been disbanded.

Established back in 1990 as an offshoot of the then Richmond Tourism Association, a group of local businesses and amenity societies (including the Hampton Wick Association) came together to promote bloom across the borough in our high streets, community areas and residential gardens.

Working alongside local businesses and the LBRuT, the committee set up the annual bloom competition and enhanced the street scene with hanging baskets.

However, the committee has now reached the point where they’re unable to fund and facilitate RBIB which involves an immense amount of ‘behind the scenes’ organisation and voluntary time.

The committee have decided that the remaining funds will be made available to schools, community and amenity centres, churches and residential groups and societies to establish or enhance gardens and competitions in their local area.

If you wish to apply for a grant up to a maximum of £250, please email rbibgrantapplication@gmail.com with details of your project or proposal, together with supporting costings, photos and drawings. Applications will close on 31st March 2020.